
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Help Upgrade the Delaware River to Exceptional Value Status

 From the Friends of the Upper Delaware River
We invite you to support the upgrade of the Upper and Middle Delaware River to Exceptional Value by writing a letter and being part of the original submission to the PA Department of Environmental Protection. This designation is reserved for the state’s cleanest and healthiest streams.

Be a co-petitioner for the Upper and Middle Delaware River Watershed – your support will strengthen the power of the petition and increase the likelihood that the PA DEP will grant it. We need to let them know that we care about this special watershed, and that we want it preserved with the strongest protections under the Clean Water Act.

TAKE ACTION: Go to the Delaware Riverkeeper Network’s website and send a letter of support:

Thank you -

Dan Plummer
Chairman of the Board
Friends of the Upper Delaware River
607-363-7848 office
607-363-7975 fax