
Friday, December 10, 2010

The Delaware River Needs Your Vote

While the Lackawaxen River completes its tenure as Pennsylvania’s 2010 River of the Year, the Delaware River is poised to wrest the title/mantle for 2011. Nominated for this recognition by the Delaware River Sojourn Steering Committee and Delaware River Basin Commission, the longest un-dammed river east of the Mississippi is one of six finalists for the designation. 

As highlighted in the river’s nomination, ‘Its waters serve the needs of over 15 million people from four different states and hundreds of communities, as well as provide healthy ecological habitat to all forms of life.’

The PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers administer the River of the Year program, which culminates in a year-round slate of activities and events celebrating the river, including a special extended paddling trip.

The honor is bestowed to raise public awareness about the resource and recognize important conservation needs and achievements. Earlier this year, the Delaware was selected as America’s Most Endangered River by the American Rivers organization for the threats posed to it by natural gas development.

Delaware River lovers can read statements for each of the rivers and cast a vote for their favorite at . Voting ends January 3, 2011 and the winner will be announced later in the month. Spread the word!