In September 2011, plans began to build a two story 5,000 sq. ft. addition to the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum, Paul Dahlie Education Building. This major addition will house the Catskill Rodmakers Workshop and Heritage Craft Center on the lower level and on the upper, the Wulff Gallery. A ground breaking ceremony for the Workshop and Craft Center will be held on April 1, 2012 to coincide the opening day of the New York State trout season. Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther will be joined by rod makers and fly fishermen including celebrities Olek Krupa, Mark Ruffalo, and Laurence Hobgood for the ribbon cutting of the Agnes Van Put Kitchen and a shovel in the ground ceremony for the Workshop and Craft Center construction.
The Catskill Rodmakers’ Workshop and Heritage Craft Center will be a fully operational bamboo rodmaking shop and include an area for historical rodmaking equipment and artifacts. Also planned will be a dedicated area for the ‘arts of the angler’ with weekly scheduled programs to include: reel making, fly tying, net making, photography, carving, painting, writers workshops, etc. The Workshop will be a living and active component to the CFFCM campus with regular demonstrations of work in progress on and appreciation of bamboo fly rods.
The Wulff Gallery will be on the upper level and is dedicated to exhibits of Lee and Joan Wulff, featuring both permanent and temporary exhibits. Included in this area will be a library in a multi purpose meeting room for seminars, film festivals, classes, programs and lectures relating to fly fishing.
This major addition to the CFFCM campus is a joint project of the members of the Catskill Rodmakers Gathering and Southern Rod Gathering, Joan Wulff and The Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum.
This major addition to the CFFCM campus is a joint project of the members of the Catskill Rodmakers Gathering and Southern Rod Gathering, Joan Wulff and The Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum.
Like no other place in the world, the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum is the center of the fly fishing community. It’s all about fly fishing.